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    Quality of service

    At Plusnet we believe in being straightforward and honest. We want you to know exactly how we're performing so we can work hard to make Plusnet even better. From answering your calls to repairing your faults, here´s how we've been doing over the last few months.

    Updated 30 July 2024

    How we performed:  April - June 2024

    Broadband and Home Phone

    2.41% of customers experienced a loss of their phone or broadband service

    Proportion of customers who, at some point in the specified 3 month period, have been unable to use their broadband or home phone service, for which we have raised a fault with our supplier.

    Date % Affected
    April - June (2024) 2.41%
    Jan - March (2024) 2.89%
    Oct - Dec (2023) 3.20%
    July - Sept (2023) 3.12%
    April - June (2023) 3.19%

    5.2 days to restore lost phone or broadband service

    Days between the raising of the fault and our suppliers informing us that they have cleared the fault.

    Date Days
    April - June (2024) 5.2 days
    Jan - March (2024) 5.3 days
    Oct - Dec (2023) 5.3 days
    July - Sept (2023) 5.1 days
    April - June (2023) 4.6 days

    Customer Service

    35 seconds average time to answer the phone

    The time a customer is on hold before their call is answered.

    Date Time (seconds)
    April - June (2024) 35 seconds
    Jan - March (2024) 22 seconds
    Oct - Dec (2023) 40 seconds
    July - Sept (2023) 83 seconds
    April - June (2023) 77 seconds

    100% of contacts answered in the UK

    The proportion of calls, online chats, and tickets answered in UK call centres.

    Date % answered
    April - June (2024) 100%
    Jan - March (2024) 100%
    Oct - Dec (2023) 100%
    July - Sept (2023) 100%
    April - June (2023) 100%

    80.5% of orders completed within 21 days

    Percentage of orders completed within 21 days.

    Date % completed
    April - June (2024) 80.5%
    Jan - March (2024) 79.1%
    Oct - Dec (2023) 79.2%
    July - Sept (2023) 80.6%
    April - June (2023) 72.4%

    94.8% of engineer appointments attended on time

    Proportion of appointments attended within the designated slot.

    Date % on time
    April - June (2024) 94.8%
    Jan - March (2024) 92.1%
    Oct - Dec (2023) 92.4%
    July - Sept (2023) 98.6%
    April - June (2023) 98.5%

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